That's a great summary Farkel of the mindset of the typical consumed by the 'pat' phrases and answers to these questions.
I too felt the "urge" to get baptised at 13 because of believing I was now "accountable" for myself and that "armageddon was just now at our doorstep" so I had to be baptised to survive. What kind of reasoning is that?!!! How can our "dedication" to doing God's will be acceptable to him if surviving was the motivation, at the direction of the WTS?
Dubs will not generally tell the truth when they are confronted with the question, “Do you believe that ONLY Jehovah’s Witnesses will be saved at Armageddon?” They always come up with some excuse like, “Well, that’s not for us to say. Only Jehovah can read hearts,” even though their literature says exactly the opposite. When a dub makes that excuse and are then further questioned with, “So does that mean you believe that some non-JWs will survive that battle?”, they reply with “Well, that’s not for us to say.” Typical doubletalk.
I do weep for the years I spent spewing that drivel because that was the "pat" answer we were told to give. Did we ever stop to really think about it? No...because "that's what the society says so it must be true".
I weep also for being typical at pushing those nasty pictures and thoughts about innocent babies and children being slaughtered at armageddon, out of my head.
I weep for the time wasted on being so stupid and narrow-minded and shallow as to think a God of love could wipe out the lives of millions just because they don't worship him exactly the way he wants to be worshipped. Why would God wipe out all those babies and their "accountable parents" who are conscientiously worshipping him they way they "think" is right and are good people, leading good lives?
I weep for the time I spent a typical JW, as "somebody" just said, "hardening their hearts" and "having no natural love and feeling" but replacing it with that "snotty attitude in defense"...a defense of the times my conscience was actually pricked by the pictures in the pubs. of destruction at armageddon of the earth opening up and people falling down the deep holes and buildings falling down on them, or of the flood where a mother is holding her crying baby at the top of a mountain with the water rising around them. How sick is that! But, typically, I just put it out of my mind.
And I weep for those still trapped in the mindset of this stupidity.
But I do weep tears of joy at now being able to reason on all of this nonsense and see things clearly and now feel the satisfaction of having answers that "make sense" that now I don't have to push an uncomfortable question into the back of my mind so it won't bother me.
Thanks for a well-put-together piece, Farkel
Had Enough